Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Coming up on Days

Marlena awaits Roman's arrest but Roman arrives and gives her the evidence against her. She refuses it.
Kate forces Roman to arrest Marlena.
Theta girls get Max's help in burying Ford.
Max dresses up as Ford and leaves the house so it can be caught on video surveillance.
Steve is getting into wanting children!
He confesses to Kayla he'd like to have a baby!
Kate’s gun is traced to a dealer in Cincinnati - a woman.
Bo and Hope leave for Cinci.
The dealer holds a gun on Bo!
Guess who is interested in Philip? Chloe!
And she makes a move to get closer to Philip.
Sami confronts EJ about his baby monitor surveillance.
Lucas is added onto the suspect list for shooting EJ.

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