Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Coming up on Days

Lucas and sami's baby is named Alice Caroline. (Ali for short)
Ford harasses Steph and Cordy.
A watch given to Shawn at his wedding causes Belle issues during the wedding but other than that, it goes off without a hitch.
Marlena faces off with Stefano. She begs him to let Sami have her freedom but Stefano says it'll be at a price. He wants her! Too bad Marlena isn't interested.
EJ tells Sami she's the reason he's still alive.
Hope tells Marlena all about Belle's little affair, after snooping in Belle's cell phone and finding a message from Philip.
Belle and Shawn lie in bed and Belle says, "I want you and I never want to lose you." Shawn reassures her she won't. Steve is getting into wanting children!
Kate tries to seduce Roman in return for freedom.
EJ tells Sami that he thinks it's high time Johnny meets Stefano.
Hope tells Marlena about Belle’s affair with Philip.Nick and Chelsea find disturbing evidence against Ford.
The identity of the mysterious woman from Sami and EJ's wedding is revealed!

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